...or...Flotilla Cruise from
Singapore to Jakarta and back.
The Raffles Marina
team in Singapore, put forward the idea of a flotilla cruise to
Jakarta, with sponsorship by the Indonesian Government. This team
have become real professionals at this having successfully organised
a number of long distance boating events.
Before I could start, I had to somehow get from Kuala Lumpur, to Penang for a meeting, back to KL to meet up with my skipper and another crew member all within 48 hours. The night KTMB sleeper (top berth RM27 for over 60's) KL to Butterworth, short walk to the ferry. Didn't have to take the 101 bus to Batu Ferringhi as friends kindly picked me up. Meeting completed and friends rushed me back to the ferry and reversed the trip...except the loco engine broke down soon out of Butterworth and 3 hours later we were on our way with a replacement loco! These things happen lah.
Skipper and crew all
on hand to have a great Chinese breakfast and we were on our way by
car to Singapore via the second bridge and straight into Raffles
6'3" into a 5' hatch !!
6'3" into a 5' hatch !!
As we would be away
around 5 weeks we spent 2 days checking and fixing everything ready
for the off. We were accompanying another Malaysian boat named The
Duck as she is basically sort of copy of an Alaskan trawler with
excuse for sails and waddles along at about 5-6 knots. In our Hunter
49 we did a bit of freelance sailing for fun while keeping The Duck
is sight. Always fun crossing the shipping channel in Singapore where
an enormous volume of shipping looms out of the haze in all
directions. A seriously busy bit of choppy water at times.
Raffles Marina- Singapore
Raffles Marina- Singapore
Once on the
Indonesian side we changed courtesy flags and drifted past a
procession of barges heading the same way till we reached Nongsa
Point Marina/Resort on Batam Island about 1700 hrs. Agents were
waiting for Customs and Immigration to extract our US$25 for a visa
and all appeared good. We were invited to a meal at the resort and it
was very good, however catering for a large diverse group meant a 2
hour wait to eat. Bintang beer filled the time very well.
Originally we were
lead to believe that we could have all formalities done and be off
again by midnight to keep up our schedule and meet ups with the
Indonesian Dept of Tourism events organised for us...BUT we didn't
reckon on The Indonesian System...or is that lack of system? At
considerable expense, time and effort all cruising permits had been
obtained weeks in advance and crew lists and passport details had
been submitted to the agent one is to use, but between the agent,
Customs and Immigration Jakarta and Nongsa Point everything become a
ridiculous farce. Nobody knows what they are doing, the rules seem to
change hourly and nobody can give a direct answer to the question
"What is going on". For no good reason these individuals
between them, decided that they would become kingdom makers and stuff
everyone up including the Indonesian Dept of Tourism, who wanted this
cruise to enhance tourism and sailing in Indonesian waters. At first
entry point this ideal has been shattered. I have no idea if other
sailing entry points are any better, but never ever try entering
Indonesia at Nongsa point if one plans to proceed to other
destinations within Indonesia. Pity as its a pretty place and a
lovely little marina, hot showers, clean loo's and good food
available...but the authorities make the exercise as unpleasant as it
possibly can be and is a hassle one can do without. At this stage,
after waiting 48 hours, I didn't care if we were to go forward or go
back, but any inclination of ever coming back to Indonesia has been
shattered as this stupidity reflects on the whole country.
Finally we got away
and had to entirely skip Lingga Island, which was a planned layover.
The first 24 hours saw a number of squalls and in one blow our mast
head light got carried away. Sadly the wind was on the nose most of
the way to Bangka Island. It was night again as we got into the
easterly channel and we decided to drop anchor and wait till dawn,
while having a well needed sleep. The Duck who was a hour behind us
did much the same but with much shallower draft ventured into the lee
of an island. At dawn we are off in dense fog/haze/smoke and we hit
an uncharted submerged rock while motoring at 5.5 knots. Sort of
gives a bit of a heart stop, but all seemed ok and we continue on to the small Panjung island, that had had a rush makeover of new jetty,
loos, and overall great backpacker camping site had been created. The
regional Governor of that part of Bangka plus other officials made
speeches and exchanged gifts with our leaders Mr. Lee from Singapore
and his good friend Dato' Dr. Z from Kuala Lumpur (and his lovely
wife) who's very large cruiser was our mother boat..
Panjung Island new jetty
Meeting local officials-very relaxed
Local band with home made instruments
Panjung Island new jetty
Meeting local officials-very relaxed
Local band with home made instruments
As night fell we
found only a small gen set that worked a couple of lights and the speaker system. Local music mostly played with home made
instruments was wonderful. Fantastic costumed dances danced in the
semi light from dozens of flaming torches on stakes. There were
singers who with the colourful dances invited visitors to dance.
Having been bucking about for days and nights in small boats nobody
was that steady on land and we stumbled about in true drunken sailor
The costumes were wonderful yet could only be seen with camera flash. Taking a shot was point hit the button and hope.
The costumes were wonderful yet could only be seen with camera flash. Taking a shot was point hit the button and hope.
Then came the
finale. Bola Api a game played on a small sandy oval with flaming
torch goal posts and a ball of flaming coconut played in bare feet
and shorts only. An awesome display of nimble footedness and courage.
Panjung Island-Bangka/Belitung Province would be a backpackers paradise
Bangka and our next
stop Belitung Island are unaffected, "real" places unspoilt
by money grabbing commercialism. Prices charged were the same as
locals and fair, People friendly and always helpful. Nothing was ever
too much trouble.
The sail to Belitung
was very hard on to weather and rolling cross seas. Our Auto helm
couldn't cope so it was hands on steering. By night we were passing
fishing fleets to the north of Belitung and by 1100 next day we were
close to destination on the east coast of Belitung Timor (east) and
ready to enter the Manggar River with a lead boat to show the way. It
was near top of a not big tide (with a new moon). We were assured of
enough depth for our 1.7 m draft yacht. Guess what?
Following guide boat into the Sungai(River) Manggar
Our view of the village...for 12 hours while we became the tourist attraction!!
Following guide boat into the Sungai(River) Manggar
Our view of the village...for 12 hours while we became the tourist attraction!!
Yep hard and fast
for 12 hours bouncing around the sandy bottom. Two of us were chosen
to go ashore to give presentation and speeches while Skipper and one
other stayed with the boat. Next tide was around midnight and a
bigger fishing boat lined up. (we had made several attempts with
various tow boats earlier without any success)
About 2200 a lot of
water was observed in the boat and for safety all our valuables and
belonging were stuffed into any bag around and transfered to the
Mother boat. One crew did point out that there was no risk of
sinking...as we were already on the bottom and could at a pinch walk
ashore!! He is 6'3'' so he was OK lah.
X-PO (?) Pesta Laut(festival of the sea) and sail Indonesia all in one
X-PO (?) Pesta Laut(festival of the sea) and sail Indonesia all in one
By midnight the
trawler plus the yacht motor managed to bounce our yacht over the bar
and into the safety of the river. At that stage the leak was thought
to be very bad and pumps, plus backup pumps and standby pumps with
hoses everywhere, we transferred our stuff back aboard. A new bilge
float switch was fitted ( failure of the old one was part of the
problem) also the fact that there was no non return valve on the
bilge discharge hose (which had allowed water in while heeled over)
No valves to be found in town, but managed to make up a jury non
return valve out of bits, which happily works well.
"Mother" boat loading fuel at the Police Jetty
"Mother" boat loading fuel at the Police Jetty
We were pretty sure
that the keel bolts had stretched a bit and as Belitung had been a
major mining region (The world knows Belitung as Billiton which lends
it name to the company amalgamated with Australian BHP to form the
worlds biggest resources company) Anyhow we found ..finally.. a
workshop guy who took one look and knew we needed an extended 2 inch
socket on a 5 foot shaft and T handle. Give me a couple of hours and
true to his word by night fall we had our spanner. By now the pump
was holding and to dismantle the cabin to get to the bolts was a day
Second of the high speed power boats
Second of the high speed power boats
So we decided to
exit on the next tide, happily a bit bigger and although we were once
again grounded, with a favorable wind and all sail set we powered off
into safe water. To ensure we didn't ground again we retraced our
path to safe water, while most of the fleet took a direct route
toward Jakarta a couple of 100 nm away. One cruiser was delayed with
paperwork but managed to overtake us as we stopped to bring in our
second Tuna. We had a laugh as the only yacht was catching fish while
the fishing boys on cruisers were not.
Smallest fish we caught, but the best Sashimi
Skipper always made sure we had good meal
Smallest fish we caught, but the best Sashimi
Skipper always made sure we had good meal
After another
sumptuous meal (we have been eating well with the skippers gourmet
food), we finally got the Genoa up as well as full main. For the
first time the wind is just off the nose and we had a fetch in 9-13
knots of wind with our speed 6-7 knots. A relief to kill the motor
and as the wind built up to 17-20 knots we plowed on at 8-9 knots for
the next 10 hours, but even then with wind easing a good average was
still possible. The Grand Banks doing 7+ knots wondered what happened
as we happily sailed by. The Duck meanwhile had a good start and had
discovered its sails really would work while motor sailing and went
from its usual waddle of around 5 knots to well over 6-6.5knots.
Doesn't look it but we were going over 8.5 knots in ideal conditions
Doesn't look it but we were going over 8.5 knots in ideal conditions
We were over 10 nm
ahead and only 55 nm from an Island we had agreed to make for before
attempting finding Batavia Marina Jakarta. We heard the VHF crackle
with a plaintive call from The Duck " Motor is going but the
propeller is not.” The Grand Banks not far away called back for The
Duck to drop anchor and give position. "B.b.but we are still sailing
at over 1.8 knots toward you". The Grand Banks managed to stove in a
guard rail against The Duck while transferring crew, but gave tow for
12 hours till a patrol boat finally came and took over the last bit
to Jakarta. We could do nothing
but give bad advise so continued to the Island meeting point and
As it happened the
mother boat came withing VHF distance and she had a local pilot on
board. They guided us through the shipping, kellongs, fish nets and
traps to the Batavia Marina. Again we grounded, but this time very
soft mud and we were able to power through and berth before midnight.
Marina Batavia- Jakarta
Marina Batavia -Jakarta
Marina Batavia- Jakarta
Marina Batavia -Jakarta
Batavia Marina is a
grandiose enormous building with expensive food and patrons who seem
to only come on a Sunday, while the enormous staff wander around the
rest of the week looking for something to do. The marina itself has
steel pontoons with cement cover and work well enough. The site is
tucked in between a power station one side and ship repair and
fishing boat harbour the other. The sound of steel working and stench
of rotting fish and ever present stench of raw sewage one does not
get used to. Like so many Yacht Clubs designed and build by the super
rich, it is out of reach of the less affluent real sailors. Meanwhile
the berths are full of giant symbols of wealth and battalions of boat
boys with polishing rags....
...But when they put on a spread, there are few can equal. The reception put on for us was never to be forgotten. Not just the setting and fabulous food, but the whole atmosphere with dancers, Gamelin bands and a really fabulous solo singer...who became a duet when our skipper joined her and the result superb.
...But when they put on a spread, there are few can equal. The reception put on for us was never to be forgotten. Not just the setting and fabulous food, but the whole atmosphere with dancers, Gamelin bands and a really fabulous solo singer...who became a duet when our skipper joined her and the result superb.
We then had a day out amount the "1000 Islands" aboard the 2 "quick" boats and could relax and just soak it all in, punctuated with an island lunch break. It was nice being able to let someone else do the work.
Do it yourself cat
One of the "1000 islands"
The 2 fast boats
Do it yourself cat
One of the "1000 islands"
The 2 fast boats
Next day was a Friday and to try the Jakarta traffic jam on a Friday is sheer folly. Actually Saturday is not much better. We did venture into the the section of town near the Marina and spent 1.5 hours shopping, 1 hour eating and 4.5 hours in a motor car. Not my idea of fun and so very different to the wonderful easy pace of Bangka and Belitung. Nearly everyone took off for home for 5 days and I stayed behind to fix the keel leak, change oil, try and fix a toilet pump (rotted out) check and tighten all rigging, lifelines and everything else that may have come loose during groundings and usual other stuff.
By the 4th day some
Singaporeans had got back and about a dozen of us hit the clubs,
drinking a Singapore concoction of Jack Daniels and ice green tea.
This is a seriously horrible drink and I swear delivers a knockout
punch. Super speakers pumped out what sort of resembled music sung by
anorectically thin little things with gigantic voices wearing either
a broad belt or a serious mini skirt. Couldn't make up my mind. Next
morning was not good.No pics of the hangover!!
On returning to the
marina we had to take 3 taxi's and we were very surprised when a
police car followed, drove beside each taxi then waved one down.
Lesson one, always carry your passport with you as its a requirement.
However the catch 22 is passports are very sort after and risk being
stolen. Anyhow the police then demanded Rp 4 million from each of the
4 in the taxi. They didn't have that much but were ordered to turn
out their pockets and the police then grabbed all wallets and helped
themselves to the equivalent of over US$300. The taxi drivers
reaction was as though he was expecting this to take place and while
no proof, the impression was that the "Blue Bird" taxi drivers and police work
together to rob tourists.. No pics of these cops either.
Part 2
Jakarta to Port
Sadly one of our
crew had a swollen foot that gave discomfort. Back home his doctor
gave strict orders to stay home with feet up and take heaps of
rainbow coloured pills. Another crew had to "work"..that 4 letter word, so we had 2 new fishing/power boat orientated/chill eating crew join us.
We set off full of
expectation and a fair breeze, when after an hour, The Duck who's
gearbox heat exchanger had given trouble, reported the same problem
again. Sadly we returned to Batavia Marina to try and get a proper
repair done this time.
We missed the sail
to Krakatoa and Sundra Straits. However the 2 big boats did make the
trip and reported a huge sea and very uncomfortable trip. One
suffered some damage to rudder post as well and had to return to Jakarta
for repairs.
So a couple of days
later we headed north in fluky winds and motor sailed a long haul to anchor at Maspari Island at the entrance to the Bangka Straits....BUT....not before we caught a seriously large king fish. Our hand scales only went to 30kg and it fully coimpressed the spring off the scale...so 30+kg.
Next day and night we negotiated the Bangka Straits. We had dreaded
this passage as it was not on our Garmin plotter and even paper
charts were a bit iffy. Also the fishermen had been reported as
holding up small craft to ransom, claiming net damage and demanding
compensation. We were checked out by a small very fast craft full of rows of teeth, but as there were 5 boats together
we must have shown force in numbers and we were left alone. On to the
passage between Singkep and Lingga Islands. A tricky passage through
the straits with hordes of small sampan fishermen in an otherwise
pitch black narrows, to a safe anchorage past the narrows.
Having had a rather
grueling long sail dodging fishing boats, barges, obstacles and
islands we decided the next day to sail as a group to the Buaya group
of islands and an early stop to fish, sleep and tell tall stories. I
think this was the first time we reached a destination in daylight
and what a wonderful change it was too. This became our unscheduled
pattern onward and could really appreciate the beautiful islands
through the smoke from Sumatra to our west.
"I got best bait lah"..."Give to other boats, They need it lah"
"I got best bait lah"..."Give to other boats, They need it lah"
If some tree
hugging, green, do good know-it-alls want to do something worthwhile
for a change, get Indonesia to stop indiscriminate burning causing
damage not only to the country but chocking up all nearby countries
and affecting health of animals and humans alike. Too hard??
Next day was a
glorious sail some distance to Durian Besar Island. Here we
discovered that Garmin maps are seriously lacking as where we
anchored showed on our plotter as a few 100m inland!! Go figure as
one would say. Another lovely spot if not for chocking on wood smoke.
At night some tied a cloth over our noses to act as a filter.
If its big and floats----its Singapore
If its big and floats----its Singapore
So onward to
Singapore once again. We had planned to sail direct to Port Klang,
but we found that some of the electrics put in before we started were
not working correctly as well as a new motor instrument panel not
functioning correctly. As with electrics and old motor cars, if you
fix one thing, another problem takes its place. And so it was one fix
after another. Once we finally thought it was all good we set sail
for Pt Klang. An hour out another electrical problem raised its head,
but the look on the crews faces stopped the skipper before he dare
mention returning to Singapore.
The Hunter 49 record
Raffles Marina to Royal Selangor Yacht Club was 30 hours
motor-sailing. We did it in 27 hours and even then a lot was at low
engine revs as there was a danger of over charging the batteries. (That was the new problem)
So next challenge is
to remove the keel, re-seal and fit, proper one way valves, more
electrical fixing, anti foul etc within a few weeks for the start of
the 2012 Raja Muda Regatta...ah but thats another story lah.
We have since removed the keel, sealed and refitted. Unfortunately the manufacturers took the lazy way out as a joint between the lead ballast and the hull and used epoxy. This made it very hard to remove the keel, but explains why a bump on the keel causes leaks. Epoxy it brittle and cracks easily allowing leaks. If ever contemplating a job like this especially if epoxy =has been used, have on hand a number of sharpened edge log splitter wedges, and a heavy hammer as you will need it. Without (and we were without) takes a day wrecking chisels and any solid sharp object before getting a splintering sound of epoxy with some ripping fiberglass. Hunter Yachts please note.
We used 3m 5200 sealant in copious quantities which happily filled all cavities, squirted up the bolt holes and out the seam. We will now tape off the seam while fairing and the later fill that seam area with flexible sealant and fair it down.
We have since removed the keel, sealed and refitted. Unfortunately the manufacturers took the lazy way out as a joint between the lead ballast and the hull and used epoxy. This made it very hard to remove the keel, but explains why a bump on the keel causes leaks. Epoxy it brittle and cracks easily allowing leaks. If ever contemplating a job like this especially if epoxy =has been used, have on hand a number of sharpened edge log splitter wedges, and a heavy hammer as you will need it. Without (and we were without) takes a day wrecking chisels and any solid sharp object before getting a splintering sound of epoxy with some ripping fiberglass. Hunter Yachts please note.
We used 3m 5200 sealant in copious quantities which happily filled all cavities, squirted up the bolt holes and out the seam. We will now tape off the seam while fairing and the later fill that seam area with flexible sealant and fair it down.
You lucky fellow Phil....that must be a very enjoyable trip!